Connected Family Workshop 2022

November 20, 2022 @ 5PM | Please fill out this form and click submit.
What to Expect

Come and join us for a dedicated time of discussion, question and answer, diving into the Word of God and prayer as we focus on our families together. 

Adult and Kids workshops will be held seperately.

Adults will discuss real issues that we all face in our homes, such as:
- Resolving conflict
- The strong-willed child
- Growing your family spiritually & emotionally towards the purpose God has. 
- Tweens & Teens (Dating & more)
- Financial strategies that work.

Kids will discuss real issues that they face on a daily basis: 
- Truth
- Love
- Conflict Resolution
- Authority
Workshop Schedule:

9:00 am -  Arrival & Checkin (Coffee & Donut Reception)
9:30 am - First Session begins
12:00 noon - Lunch Break
12:30 pm - Second Session begins
2:30 pm - Conclusion

Childcare for all ages. 
Teens, 12 and above, are welcome and to be apart.
Be sure to register them as well (at the bottom of this form).

Please indicate if you will join us for lunch (at the bottom of this form).

Children & Teen Registration

Lunch and Childcare



November 20, 2022 @ 5PM
Please fill out this form and click submit.